Please click on the linked resources to the right for further information.
Address: 47 Loker Street, Wayland, MA 01778
School phone: 508-358-8601
School fax: 508-358-8602
Principal: Brian Jones
Main Office: Cathleen Holmes, Jane Carme
School Nurse: Kelsey Robinson, MSN, RN, CPNP
Guidance Counselors: Rachael Dennen, Laurel Pirelli |
For reporting a student absence:
For contacting a teacher:
- Contact the main office and leave a message for the teacher
- Contact the teacher via email
Loker School Mission
Our mission is to instill a love of learning in the students by providing a dynamic and safe learning environment that is developmentally appropriate through a curriculum which balances academic, social and emotional development. We strive to help students develop an appreciation for each other and the world around them in a way that emphasizes respecting human differences, building character, working hard and playing fair. At Loker School, we all do our part to take care of ourselves and others too.
Personal Best